
Small children carry 5kg bags daily to school. I remember an incident when a child excited to get her new bag loads it up with all the books according to the timetable. She then pretends to be ready for the school and with great vigour picks up her bag. As soon she picks it up she is imbalanced and falls … Read More

Donate Medicines – Your Small contribution can be a big lifesaver


Health and illness is one of the major problems in today’s world. When it comes to poor they have to face a lot more difficulty than the normal people. They have to afford the treatment, take care of the food and the biggest expense is of the medicines, which cannot be avoided at any cost. We can always help these … Read More

Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world


  Education is the bedrock of social and economic development. Victor Hugo said “He, who opens a school door, closes a prison” Nelson Mandela said “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”   Before we delve more into the subject, let us distinguish between Education & Literacy which people, more often than not, … Read More

Importance of Education


To finish poverty, corruption, health problems etc in the society, we all need to educate each and every child of our society Today, we all know the importance of education in our lives but due to various reasons like poverty, unawareness and narrow mindset of people, children (especially the girl child) are not being sent to schools.   Better education … Read More



Parents must encourage their children to play outdoor sports and place regulated restrictions on the use of gadgets Not just ‘’The Beautiful Game’’, or in a more common term, Football, but almost every other sport is being subjected to the lethal grasp of technology, which is digitalizing very sport. Consequently, instead of running outside in the open field and relishing … Read More



Food makes us who we are. If we talk about physical strength, presence of mind, our height, weight etc all these things depend on the type of food we eat. Food provides us nutrients, vitamins and minerals which are required for our growth and wellbeing. Sadly, not all food is good for us and for our health. The foods that are … Read More

Bad effects of Junk food


  Junk food! The best food a child can ever think of! But in real is junk food good for health? As a matter of fact NO IT IS NOT! I decided to make a poster regarding this topic as it’s very important for all of us to realize the ill effects of junk food on our health. Obesity is … Read More

Importance of Education for a brighter future of India


  Education breeds confidence, Confidence breeds hope, hope breeds peace. These are the words of great philosopher Conficus. We all in an era where knowledge is honoured the most. We are living in a country which has the third highest category of doctors, engineers and profess, yet we fall way behind. What is the reason? Sure the number looks high on … Read More

Donate Books


    Our ancestors always said that the greatest thing you can gift someone is to educate them. By educating one child we can enlighten the future generation. And thus this cycle can continue.  Amidst this fast city life and busy schedules it is not possible to teach children at individual level. Thus simplest way of doing so is to … Read More

YES to playgrounds and NO to playstations, i-pads, mobile phones


  Everyone , from young to old should go outdoor instead of sitting at home with the latest technology in your hands because the vitamin D levels rise. Sunlight hitting the skin begins a process that leads to the creation and activation of vitamin D. This vitamin helps us fight certain conditions, from osteoporosis and cancer to depression and heart … Read More