flood-hit Assam | Nearly 500,000 affected people have fled their homes and are sheltering in relief camps Now, you can help us, in helping them.
As part of our intervention, we are in the process of sending emergency relief material to the flood victims, including:-
Infants food/ Feeding bottles
Sanitary napkins
Aspirin or nonaspirin pain reliever
Anti-diarrhea medication
Antacid (for stomach upset)
Anti Allergy Medicine
Tarpaulins and thick plastic sheets
Used or New Clothes (cover sheet, blankets daily wears, etc)
And also
School material- toys & games, stationary, notebooks and lots of your good wishes and prayers.
Last date of receiving material at our office is 15th August 2012, We will send all the collected material same day in presence of all our volunteers and friends.
Please send the same to our office at following mentioned address or email: anju.chawla@udayfoundationindia.org
Uday Foundation for Congenital Defects and Rare Blood Groups
91A (Near Airtel), Adhchini, Sri Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi 110017
Phone : + 91.11.2656 1333 / 444, Fax : + 91.11.2652 5842